What is the Point?

After writing the update in the previous post, I wonder once again why I am doing a blog. Is anybody reading it? Nobody has commented on my posts other than spam. I have not received any feedback on the website itself except from those I’ve asked directly, so I don’t even know how frequently (or if at all) it is viewed. Yes, I know I could use something like Google Analytics to find out.

At the same time, I see this as first of all an offering of what’s precious to me and second as a resource for my own practice. So that’s why I’m doing it, I guess – to have a place where I can post my own learnings, insights and realizations, whether or not anyone else is out there.

And yet… part of me still wants to know. Anyone out there? If so please let me know what you think by emailing jampatrokpo_at_livingheartlojong.info (using the @ symbol, of course). Let’s see what we get…