This month I have updated some of the commentary and added some functionality. Here’s what’s new, in no particular order:
- Added Lojong Slogan of the Day functionality, with links on the Home Page and in the footer. When you click the one of the links, a semi-random slogan commentary page is displayed. Every subsequent click of the link (on the same browser) within the next 24 hours will display the same page.
- Added dedication of this project to my dear friend and colleague Jared Finkelstein, who died last month.
- Updated / expanded the commentary on the following slogans:
- Added sub-menu items in the Commentary menu to make it easier to navigate the Commentary pages.
- Added a footer to each slogan commentary page with cross-reference to the original presentation, as well as page numbers for commentary by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Pema Chödrön. Here is an example.
- Created a blog with a link in the main menu.