41. Take on the three principal causes; pay heed that the three never wane.
The three principal causes are the teacher, the teachings and practices and a precious human birth. The teacher could be either a formal teacher or guru, or any person or situation that holds up a mirror so I can see my habitual patterns. The teachings are these Lojong teachings and any other wisdom teachings and practices that support me in dissolving the tyranny of ego. The precious human birth is what makes it possible for us to hear and practice these teachings in this lifetime and to ultimately dissolve suffering.
The three to pay heed to are gratitude to the teacher, gratitude to the teachings and a commitment to keep the refuge and bodhisattva vows. As with the previous slogan, the teacher(s) and the teachings are central to living from the heart. Finally, we should also remember the vows we have taken (e.g. refuge and bodhisattva vows, as described in Slogan 35) and draw inspiration and strength from them.
Original Presentation || Commentary References
Point VII | Slogan 45 || CTR 105 | PC 135
Point VII | Slogan 46 || CTR 106 | PC 138