2. Regard all dharmas as dreams.
This slogan, the first of the five absolute bodhicitta slogans, invites us to begin to experience the open, spacious quality of the mind. The word “dharmas” means our mental and physical experiences. We are encouraged to notice this paradox: despite being vivid and clear and seemingly solid, when we begin to investigate our experiences they develop a dreamlike quality.
As my life progresses, I become more and more aware of this dreamlike quality. When I experience something that really captures my mind, I find it helpful to remind myself that it will soon seem just like a dream. This helps me remember that every phenomenon, however vivid, is empty of a separate, permanent nature and in a way is just a projection of my mind. Then I can recognize when I’m taking myself, or my stories about the world, too seriously. I can let go of the sense of “big deal” and come back to the direct experience of the present moment.